Redistricting Nonsense from Republicans

Ben Franklin

Elected Republicans are using lies and chaos to create legislation in the State of Georgia and in Local Government. This is a power grab of epic proportions. We see what you are doing. Our Republic is being tested; we must fight for her survival.

This special session of the state legislature was called to make new legislative districts for the Georgia House and Senate and for Congress. 

We were blindsided when State Senator Clinton Dixon of Gwinnett introduced 2 bills that would alter the composition of Gwinnett’s School Board and Board of Commissioners.  The school board would be made non partisan and the Board of Commissioners would have 5 new districts and the Chair’s vote would only count to break a tie. 

Nobody in the Gwinnett’s delegation was consulted and neither was the public.  We only found out when the bills were dropped.

This is absolutely inexcusable for a public official to treat the people of Gwinnett this way. 

To add insult to injury, on Wednesday, November 10, 2021, there was a debate and vote on the Republican map that has NOT taken into account the input of the people of Georgia.  The Republicans gnored community of interest, and did not provide time for input. The Republican Map passed with a vote of 99 (Republicans) to 79. Two Republicans joined the Democratic Members of the Georgia House of Representatives for the final count of 79. 

I will continue to speak up for the people of Gwinnett and District 105.